Tallfox Digital | Social Media
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If you’re running a business, a strong social media presence is essential to furthering your success and helping to build your brand presence. Like Google, social media platforms have become complex environments to manage, and requires a skilled mind to help deliver expected goals.

If you already have your social media presence established, congratulations! You’ve taken care of the hardest part.  If that presence has become too large for you to handle on your own, or your simply not hitting your social objectives, keep Tall Fox in mind.  We are here to help you manage your social media channels and come up with the perfect strategy to help you make the most of those accounts. If Facebook is driving you batty, or Twitter is driving you up the wall, contact us today to find out how we can help you!

Our social media packages start from just £199 per month. 

Social Statistics






  1. Pinterest (21%) is now more popular than Twitter (18%) among Internet users.
  2. Women are four times more likely to be Pinterest users than men.
  3. Facebook is ageing. 45% of Internet users aged 65+ use Facebook.
  4. Pinterest attracts older people. Twitter and Instagram are still youth dominated networks, but 23% of Internet users aged 50+ use Pinterest.
  5. Contrary to popular belief, most people aren’t using multiple social networks. Over 50% of Internet users either don’t use any social networks, or use just one (i.e. Facebook).
  6. Facebook and Instagram users are the most engaged. Around 60% of their users sign in every day (compared to 46% of Twitter users)
  7. Almost all social networkers use Facebook. In fact, over 80% of ‘other’ social network users also use Facebook.
  8. Instagrammers also use Twitter. There is a 50% crossover between the networks.
  9. Pinterest and LinkedIn are stand-alone networks. There is much less crossover usage with other networks (except Facebook).
  10. Pinterest and LinkedIn users are wealthier than the other networks with a high percentage earning over £55000 PA.

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